with His Holiness Ganteng Tulku Rinpoche

Guhyagarbha Tantra retreat in Moscow in October 2013


Guhyagarbha Tantra retreat

We are glad to announce that our precious teacher His Holiness Ganteng Tulku Rinpoche is going to visit Moscow in October 2013 and grant the cycle of empowerments of Guhyagarbha Tantra.

The retreat is going to take place in a picturesque area near Moscow  30 km far by Volokolamsk Highway.

Guhyagarbha Tantra is related to the Kama lineage.

This tantra is a source of Vajrasattva sadhanas and the Shitro teachings. In Nyingma tradition it is considered to be as the main one.
The omniscient  Longchenpa wrote: “… Guhyagarbha Tantra is the highest point of all vehicles, the source of all texts of the teachings, the greatest and the fastest way  of realization amongst the vehicles  explained by all the Buddhas of the 3 times and the most secret”.
The main teachers that brought these teachings into Tibet were Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra and Buddhaguhya.
There exist many commentaries Indian as well as Tibetan on this tantra. According to the Mipham Rinpoche coomentary this tantra explains the following 10 most important aspects for the enlightenment.” View, Samadhi, Behaviour, Samaya, Accomplishment, Offering, Activities, Mudra, Mantra, 10 aspects of which the Tantric way consists, are fully explained in this Tantra.

The Guhyagarbha Tantra empowerment is also requisite for Longchen Rabjam on-line Shedra, guided by Rinpoche, and is mandatory for the third course teachings.
Organizational contribution:

Regular – 4000 rubles
Preferential – 2000 rubles
Sponsoral – 5000 rubles and more
The cost of one day is 1000 rubles.


You can chose a variant:
Full: 3 meals a day
Of your choice (point out in a questionnaire)
Breakfast – 150 rubles
Lunch – 200 rubles
Dinner – 250 rubles.


The prices and the variants of accomodation will be published in a few days.

Will be posted in several days.


For registration for the retreat please write to yeshekhorlo@yeshekhorlo.ru

Please mention your name, days you want to attend and which meals you need.



+7 903 506 1176
+7 916 712 0420
+7 916 847 7008
+7 915 100 0008



Restaurant SHANTI










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