hat am 20. September 2024 mit 5 Teilnehmern begonnen

Drei-Jahres-Retreat im Retreat-Zentrum von Yeshe Khorlo in Estland

Das ist eine sehr erfreuliche Information für uns. Es hat sehr viel Mühe und Einsatz gekostet von den dort ansässigen Yeshe Khorlo Mitgliedern und auch all Eure Spenden dafür waren unerlässlich. Ohne sie wäre das ganze Projekt nicht verwirklicht worden. Wenn man schon selbst kein Retreat machen kann, ist es doch möglich, sich auf diese Weise damit zu verbinden.

Falls Ihr über Yeshe Khorlo Deutschland e.V. unterstützen wollt, bitte mit folgendem
Betreff: Unterstützung Yeshe Khorlo Retreat-Zentrum Estland

Trotz allen Bemühungen wird hier nach wie vor Unterstützung benötigt. Es fehlt z.B. noch Geld, um das gesamte Retreat von Thujila zu finanzieren.

Unter diesem Link hier könnt Ihr mehr erfahren.

Hier ist ein Hinweis dazu vom französischen Sangha:

Dear Dharma’s friends,
As some of you may have heard, two of our beloved Anis’la — Ani Thuji’la and Ani Tashi’la are leaving Pema Yang Dzong soon to begin their three-year retreats in Estonia and Bhutan respectively.
Ani Thuji’la has been with us since 5 years and Ani Tashi’la arrived in 2022, both have been indispensable parts of the daily life at Blye since their arrival, having rendered immense services to our spiritual community.
Not only they are teachers, ritual masters, spiritual friends and guides, but they also assume roles such as cleaners, cooks, construction workers, gardeners, painters etc. to keep our centre pristine clean and well-maintained.
As practitioners of the Pedling tradition, we are truly fortunate among others. While most lineage centres in Europe (including the much bigger and the more famous) may not provide the luxury of hosting five ordained practitioners from the Himalayan regions, their members often find themselves having to struggle for the availability of teachers, and may even have to travel afar to learn authentic dharma teachings, ritual chanting, mudra, ritual ceremonies, music instruments, ritual dances, etc.; we on the other hand, never have to go further than within Europe to have access to all these. We are truly privileged in this regard, and it is all thanks to Gangteng Rinpoche’s great kindness and compassion that these are even possible.
Far from their home in Bhutan, our Anis’la have spent all these years in France where the language and culture are unfamiliar, endured the long cold winter in Jura barely with enough heating, had to get used to a very different kind of food than their own, having to deal with whatever issues arise in the centre while always being available to anyone needing their help. It may be tempting to consider this as part of their austere monastic life yet let us not forget that they are as human as ourselves; and for the people who have benefited from their teachings, knowledge and kind support in the past, we have all the reason to thank them and show our appreciation.
Traditionally in the Himalayan region, when retreatants are going to retreat, it is their family that provides support to them. Not only it is considered an honour to support a family member in their spiritual pursuit but also a great opportunity to accumulate merits for oneself.
Here in Europe, their family is no other than us. That’s why we’d like to ask you to donate to thank them for their hard work and kindness. Anyone wishing to show their appreciation of their work is invited to contribute, either on a one-off basis or through a monthly donation.
You can make your donation(s) to the bank account of the NANG-CHÖ NYAM LEN SHI TSO association, (account below), remembering to mention “Aide pour Ani”, the name of the nun you wish to help.
In any case, please let us be as generous as we can and as generous as they have been to us.
Best regards,
L’équipe de Blye 

IBAN: FR76 1080-7000 8422 4212 7826 256
Domiciliation : Banque Populaire de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Clairvaux lès Lacs)

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