This page is dedicated to H.E. Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche’s new project

The construction of a new Ugyen Choling monastery in India.

Dear friends!
We are pleased to present His Holiness Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche’s project – Ugyen Choling monastery in the state of Himachal Pradesh, northern India.
In 2005, Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche first visited the villages of Leo, Chuling and Hango located in Kinnaur – a beautiful mountainous region in northern India. This place has a special connection with the terma teachings of Pema Lingpa, and in particular with Gangteng Tulku, because in this very place the first Gangteng Tulku – Pema Trinley Tsel – gave teachings for a period of time.
Since then, the tradition of Pema Lingpa has been carefully preserved and passed from generation to generation by lay yogi practitioners – nagpas.
For the sake of preserving and strengthening the Pema Lingpa tradition, Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche expressed the wish to erect a monastery in the village of Leo, to become a centre for the study and practice of these precious teachings.
The Kinnaur area is a special mountainous region in the state of Himachal Pradesh, northern India. Kinnau r is adjacent to Tibet and is closely associated with it by culture and religion. The majority of people are Buddhist.
The people of Leo offered the land to Gangteng Rinpoche for the construction of the monastery. A committee for the construction was formed and the organization “Institute Urgyen Choling” was registered.
The initialproject documentation is finished. The project consists of the Temple and its surrounding buildings – living rooms for the monks, classrooms, and other necessary facilities. The construction process has already begun! A road leading to the future monastery was built and now the ground is being prepared.
The Institute “Urgyen Choling” needs sponsorship to continue construction.
To make a contribution please contact Pema Jamtso:
We will update all project information on this page.

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