Vajravarahi – Empowerment and teaching in Munich

Vajravarahi – Empowerment by S.E. Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche

August 15th 2012 empowerment

August 16th 2012 teaching

S.E. Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche will give an empowerment of Vajravarahi (Tibetan: Dorje Pagmo). Vajravarahi is considered the mother of all of the Buddhas and she represents the essence of a countless number of dakinis. By receiving this empowerment the participant has the chance to experience an extraordinary blessing.

The initiation and the meditation practice belonging to it are part of the terma-cycle of Pema Lingpa. The title of this treasure text (Tibetan: terma) is “The outmost Secret Vajravarahi”. It is considered to be very special as the goddess Vajravarhi plays an important role in relation to the three roots: lama, yidam, khandro, i.e. guru, deva, dakini.

After the empowerment Rinpoche will give a teaching on the ritual text of Vajravarahi. All those, who have received both of the transmissions are empowered to practice the ritual of Vajravarahi. A new German translation of the ritual text is available and can be purchased.
A translation of the conference into English will be provided.

August 15th 2012
10 am: self-empowerment by Rinpoche (open to the public)
3 pm: Empowerment of Vajravarahi

August 16th 2012
10 – 12.30 am and 3 pm to 5 pm: teaching on the ritual practice of Vajravarahi


Participation from August 15th to 18th: 150,- € reduced fee: 130 € (proof of entitlement requested)
Participation per day: 40,- € (36,- €) there’s no reduced fee for the empowerment

Commentary on the text “Ri Chö” – “Oral instructions for the Practice of Mountain Retreat”

August, 17th and 18th 2012

S.E. Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche will comment on the text “Ri Chö”, a manual on the practice of a mountain retreat by S.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. This text is a precious teaching on how to do a Dzogchen Retreat in the solitude of the mountains. The title of the root text is:
“Oral Instructions for the Practice of Mountain Retreat, Expounded Simply and Directly in Their Essential Nakedness.” The instructions are divided into three chapters:
1. The Preparation – having cut the ties of passion and clinging, how to purify one’s nature by keeping the mind turned towards the Dharma.
2. The Main Practice – having cut misconceptions about View, Meditation and Action, how to experience the practice
3. The Continuation of the Practice – how to keep the samaya and vows and complete all the subsequent actions of this life with Dharma.

S.E. Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche received the transmission of “Ri Chö” directly by S.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, who was one of his root lamas. The root text says that the instructions address to all “those, who through the reunion of their perfectly pure past aspirations and potential karma, have heart-felt confidence in the Dharma of the profound and secret Great Perfection an in the Guru who reveals it, and who wish to go through the practice to its ultimate end, for all these fortunate beings here is an entrance door.”

A translation of the conference into English will be provided.

Source Text by S.H. Dudjom Rinpoche
translated according the explanation of Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Dungsey Trinley Norbu Rinpoche and Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche by: Orgyen Kunzang Chökhorling, Darjeeling, India 1979, reprinted by the Vajrayana Foundation, Corralitos, USA 1998
free pdf-download:

August 17th 2012: 10 – 12.30 am and 3 – 5.30 pm
August, 18th 2012: 10 – 12.30 am and 3 – 5.30 pm (with tsok)

Participation from August 15th to 18th: 150,- € reduced fee: 130 € (proof of entitlement requested)
Participation per day: 40,- € (36,- €) (there’s no reduced charge for the empowerment)

Place of event:

Seminarhaus Gronsdorf
Peter-Wolfram-Strasse 31
85540 Gronsdorf bei München

Directions look at: Über uns; Seminarhaus Gronsdorf

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